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Eighth Avenue 487, New York





“Although it may seem like it, my favourite flower is not ro-ses! When I lived in Paris, my aunt always used to fill the house with fresh lilies. Since then, they have been my scent and my flower.

I called my project Rosas Café because I decorated the walls with 30,000 silk roses of 6 different shades, which give color to everything you see around you.”

During my career in the fashion industry, I was always surrounded by ins-pirational people and places. Despite a hectic schedule of worldwide fashion shoots, I took time on my travels to make a mental note of things that moved me. From architecture to food, fine art to fashion, I was able to collect a mixture of inspirational ideas.

My dream was always to bring my beliefs to reality, to create a cosy setting that would showcase my personal passions and experiences: healthy food, decora-tion, fashion and my love of animals, particularly dogs.

I was born in the beautiful and historic city of Salamanca and even though my career included living in Cape Town, Milan or Dubai. I have always regarded Marbella, with its cosmopolitan culture and enviable lifestyle as my home.



I wanted to create something different and dis-tinctive. A creative space that reflected everything beautiful and artistic that inspires me. I also wan- ted it to represent my own values – integrity in everything that I do, a desire to create a nurturing community and a genuine feeling of family.

Initially, we were going to open in a luxury hotel in Marbella, but, just a couple of months before we were due to open, our vision and theirs didn’t see eye to eye and negotiations stalled. But everything happens for a reason!

The first was when Bally, my partner, proposed marriage. The second was when he suggested that we should open Rosas ourselves. My answer to both was “Yes!”

Within days, we had found the perfect location for Rosas Café and with a huge leap of faith and our belief in the dream, we began the journey. Six years later Rosas Café is thriving and we are about to start a new and exciting chapter, we are franchi-sing globally.

It hasn’t always been a bed of roses. But with love, sweat and literally tears, we have made Rosas Café a reality. And I always believed that dreams, with large doses of enthusiasm, effort and a great team around you do come true!



“Every great business needs a central philosophy, at Rosas Café, we are no different. Just as no two people are the same, our expe-rience has taught us that no two types of coffee are alike. Therefore, we have carefully selected our coffee based on the two most crucial fac-tors that define our business: love and care.”

At Rosas Café, we proudly serve Tunki coffee, which we believe to be the finest in the world. However, don’t just take our word for it. The American Specialty Co-ffee Association, a reputable authority in the coffee industry, has crowned Tunki as the best coffee globally.

While we are deeply passionate about coffee, we also wholeheartedly believe in the strong values and inspiring stories that make each cup exceptional. Located in the fertile Puno jungle of Tunkimayo, 1200 meters above sea level, the husband and wife team of Wilson Sucaticona and Luz Celia diligently tend to the land using traditional methods passed down through generations for centuries. As a Rainforest Alliance-certified organic farm, the couple cultivate their crops without chemicals, fertilizers, or pesticides, and hand-har- vest their coffee beans. Following the harvest, the beans are meticu-lously washed with fresh spring water from the Andean mountains and sun-dried in the South American warmth.

This meticulous artisanal process ensures that even the slightest flaw is eliminated, resulting in an award-winning and remarkable final product – your coffee! Such dedication and expertise require time, but at Rosas Café, we view this as time well invested, reflecting our core values of fair trade and an unwavering commitment to nature and quality.

The exceptional quality is immediately evident from the first sip.With a captivating and distinct flavour profile of molasses and chocolate, coupled with a seductive floral aroma, you will instantly understand why Tunki stands out as the world’s finest coffee.